Monday, May 17, 2010

Im a judo instructor at a judo shop and I want to know how to attract kids to my Judo Gym?

This place just opened up and me and the owner have been training with each other for a long time and He needs a break and I need to know how to attract kids to The place|||A judo shop? A judo gym? You have been doing this how long?

All of these red flags. Tell the truth. You are not an instructor.|||Don%26#039;t concentrate on making it appealing to kids - make it appealing to parents. They%26#039;re the ones who will pay the fees. Set up an after-school program. Hire a few tutors, and get licensed and bonded in your area to watch kids. You could have a schedule like this:

3:30 Pick kids up at their school (assuming you have a licensed driver and the law allows this in your area)

3:30 - 4:15 Snack time/hangout time

4:15 - 5:15 Judo lesson

5:15 until their parents come to pick them up - homework help with a tutor

Good luck!|||If you%26#039;ve been training in it so long then wouldn%26#039;t you know it%26#039;s called a dojo? I would recommend going more towards adult groups since they will much easier to teach and will take it seriously. As for kids, I myself would make them secondary. Otherwise, make the DOJO colorful and fun for kids. Make sure you have a lot of patience because they will never ever do anything correctly. Give demos at schools, hang up posters, etc.|||well make it aware to the parents how helpful and important judo can be in their children%26#039;s lives. like break falling, i once so this kid who fell of a slide and used his hand to break his fall, he broke his wrist the bone actually punctured the skin and blood was shooting out of it like a garden hose. poor kid. hope this can help you|||whats popular right now? not basic martial arts. you have to promote it to what the trend is right now. market it toward mma. you might be that guy who thinks that martail arts cant be aggressive and violent. but if you want to attract young people, sell it as a kick *** gym where kids can really learn how to fight. once you have some decent students, hold a competition at your gym open to other gyms as well.|||Your problem is judo. Its not judo itself but the image of judo. People want to be like Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Kids look up to those types of people. Take MMA for example. Every since UFC went prime people started joining MMA gyms everywhere.|||I would say go to a school and ask if you can leave flyer%26#039;s or maybe even give a presentation to the students.

Maybe to get on the parents good side mention you have to maintain good grades or of that sort perhaps.|||Bright Colorful Things and Candy........

Dont go to overboard or you might be considered a Phetifile|||Yeah, a little suspicious that you want to attract %26#039;kids%26#039; to your judo %26#039;gym%26#039;.|||Hey man my instructor had same problem you can try letting people try your class for free for a few days or try a demo|||try to give a demo near kids or at the mall or something and hand out flyers after

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