Monday, May 17, 2010

How important is strength in Judo?

Usually in Judo or Jujitsu when your opponent tells you %26quot;you%26#039;re really strong%26quot; it is an insult. It basically means that you have strength but no technique! Technique is way more important, and the idea is to use leverage and entire body weight/strength against your opponent%26#039;s one joint. Strength AND technique is great, but strength most definitely isn%26#039;t that important to be good or effective.|||Timing, balance, and execution of technique are more important than strength..Being strong helps but its not what Judo is based on. Being able to disrupt your opponent%26#039;s balance while maintaining yours and timing the movement to execute the technique takes a lot of practice. Mifune Sensi was a tiny little man in stature. but his ability to throw much larger people and make it look so effortless was nothing short of amazing. You can look it up on Youtube and see for yourself.|||very little as judo in martail arts definition means %26#039;%26#039;the way of gentelness%26#039;%26#039; i take karate but judo consists of holds and pressure points restraining some one does not take to much strength|||Firstly, don%26#039;t listen to XXXTOMXX%26#039;s answer. Judo means the gentle way and in no way focuses on pressure points. Judo focuses on using your opponent%26#039;s weight and momentum against them. Maximum efficiency with minimum effort. Most throws and foot sweeps will work fine(whether you are strong or not) as long as your opponent is off balance and you know how to take advantage of the situation. I would advise you to work out, however do not try to use strength to overpower your opponent, focus on technique.|||If you are a master in judo, strength is not important. It is designed to be effortless..

But: If you start doing judo, youll find all these muscles pretty usefull.It takes quite a few years before the muscles lose their importance...

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