Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm a short muscular guy standing at 5'5". Is judo the best martial art for me to start doing?

Judo is definitely not a bad place to start. that is where I started and I am about the same size. Judo will teach you how to take opponents down and what to do once you get them down (Choke holds, armbars etc.). Something to keep in mind is that in fighting, there are 3 distances from which to attack or defend. they are what I call %26quot;away%26quot; (Aprrox. 3 feet from opponent), %26quot;close range%26quot; (self explanatory) and on the ground. Judo will teach you close range and ground techniques.

As you progree though, you may want to consider other arts to cover the different areas of fighting. I started with Judo until I received a brown belt (about 3 yrs). from there I went to Tae Kwon Do so I could learn how to kick and cover the outer perimeter (Black Belt). and then I moved on to Kung Fu to cover the short range. Though I liked all of these arts, my preference would be Kung Fu. from what I%26#039;ve seen, a shorter stature person like ourselves could really benefit from it should the need arise.

whichever art you choose though, do your homework. many schools proclaim to be great one%26#039;s and advance you quickly to get the testing fees out of you (belt factory)!. don%26#039;t fall for these, they will give you a false sense of confidence that you don%26#039;t need!

check around, ask alot of questions, if you are interested in competing go one a tournament where the school u are interested in is participating. If you a see a green belt from another school beat a black belt from your school of interest, then chances are you need to be looking elsewhere.

Good luck to you! I hope you enjoy as much I have throughout my life.|||The answer is not bad but I can%26#039;t understand why anyone would want to study Taekwondo for striking skills when there are far more effective arts out there such as Kickboxing. That%26#039;s just my opinion though. Report Abuse
|||jiu jitsu is good

wing chun is also

but there are so many thatd also be good

it really depends on what youre goin for

bruce lee was one of the greatest martial artists of all time (in my book anyway)

he was a very short man

with not too much muscle mass to get in his way

or slow him down

i take his way as the best

%26#039;study whats useful

and discard the rest%26#039;

God bless you in your search

charlie|||Brazilian/Gracie Jiu Jitsu is the best thing for you. Trust me. I know guys that are 5%26#039;3, weigh 125 pounds whooping guys that are 200 pounds.|||If it were me, I would check out several different martial arts. You may find that you like something like hapkido or traditional karate better. Some martial arts schools will let you do a couple classes before they ask you to commit, I would pick one that pushes your physical limits but doesn%26#039;t leave you to the point that you are too sore to move the next day.

Good luck.|||wing chun or ju jutsu, but you can even try muai thai .|||Hey, im a 5%26#039;6 person and im perfectly fine when i do judo so go for it. and plus being your height gives you an advantage over tall people like the ones that are 6%26#039;0-6%26#039;2. trust me.|||check out Kempo Karate|||Most martial arts are completely fraudulent. Judo and aikido are two lines that are still relatively legitimate and worth studying. Look for a traditional school. One that maintains strict custom and discipline. Those are signs of a school that has something worth learning. Avoid any commercial school (99% of martial arts schools).....they are almost ridiculously ignorant of even the most basic technique.|||Your size isn%26#039;t really very important in martial arts. It%26#039;s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight within the dog. While that may sound mundane, there is alot of truth to it. I once saw a woman in Okinawa that put a marine that stood well over 6 foot, on the ground in extreme pain. He grabbed her in a way she did not agree with, and before anyone could say or do anything, she had struck him with several punches and kicks. He was out before he ever hit the ground, and I don%26#039;t think she stood much over 5 ft at all. With sandals! I do agree with what somebody else said above, about finding a dojo that was a REAL dojo, and not so commercialized. Martial arts in more about mental than physical, but there is alot of stress about physical well being. There are NO shortcuts, in martial arts. Whether it is kung fu, Tia Chi, or akiedo. Whatever you take, be sure that they push you mentally, as well as physically. Good luck!|||kung fu,

kung fu is for everyone

it includes all the qualities of all the martial arts

kung fu has given birth to other martial arts|||Ju Jitsu is where you need to be. Ideally you%26#039;d want to get opponents on the ground and you already have a head start.|||Judo was designed by the Japanese for the Japanese, which actually is in your favor. They tended to be shorter and have strong hips and lower bodies so the best Judo techniques will play to your lower hips, making it easier to get beneath your opponent and throw them before following up with Matwork..

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