Monday, November 16, 2009

I have back problems and a friend wants me to come to judo?

My friend is all into judo, he says I should come because it will help my back, however I don%26#039;t think it will. I was involved in a car accident 2 1/2 years ago and still trying to get my back feeling good again. Can someone tell me, or show me infomation showing that judo will help/not help? Thanks.|||I don%26#039;t think judo is a good idea for you since you have back injuries and been in a car accident. I can tell you that yoga is great for the body and muscles. Because it stretches and relax muscle and bones in the body and not as intense and vigorous as judo. Judo requires alot of body movements and pulling of muscles and joint not very good at all. You need something that requires rehabilitation and relaxation. Until your back recovers completely from your accident, I would recommend doing light and less vigorous exercises.|||check with ur doctor first judo taught correctly my help loosen and stretch ur back, but stay away from the fake dojos those that claim to teach multiple styles and have a tenth degree black belt that is only thirty years old. good luck|||It can but you are wise to be careful. Judo puts a lot of stress on the back as far as impact and the break falling goes and some throws if done incorrectly can probably aggravate your problems. A good judo program will spend adequate time doing warm ups, and exercises to strengthen your body including your hips, lower back, shoulders and hands and will not probably stress your back to much in the beginning. The problem you may have will be down the road as you progress and more stress is placed on your injured area. Hopefully by then it will be built up and more flexible.

I would try another martial art first and at a school or studio that will take your situation into account as even judo may be too much to start with. If the program/instructor your friend is with is aggressive in its training and pushes you to hard, fast, and far in the beginning, you do of course, risk injury-just as you would with almost any martial art program that did that. So shop the program and the instructor. You may want to consider Yoga or Pilate%26#039;s instead for your health and skip the risk that martial arts puts you at or once you have built that area back up then try martial arts. Good luck!|||Judo is not a good idea. The only martial art I have ever heard of doing good for back injuries is Tai chi. Yoga is also good.

Judo will put a lot of strain on your back, especially during rolling and throwing. However, I%26#039;m no expert on the full extent of Judo, so listen more to the other people.|||Judo is probably not something you want to do if you have back problems. The thing that makes Judo famous are the many throws they use, and you basically land on your back from every one of them. They are also very explosive throws with a lot of velocity, so even when you know the proper way to %26#039;break fall%26#039; you will still get a few bums and bruises.

Yoga probably is your best bet. If you stick to it for awhile you will notice how different your body feels. The stretches can be very relaxing and it truly does make you feel more vitalized and refreshed.|||do not do it as judo involves throughs throws which will mean you will hit the deck and jar ur back 100% a bad idea to do it and it will defo not help the problem

ur friend is talking out of his/her ****

if you want to do it search google or yahoo for videos of judo and see the kind of thing that will happen and ask a doc about if

when i get thrown in my martial art if i land badly i can sometimes hurt my back and will hurt all the next day or i will hurt it and not know till the next day and it will insane the pain

i wouldnt do if you want to do a martial art that might help try tai chi|||i don%26#039;t think judo can help you that much because it is more of a combative sport where it involves throwing and carrying another person. I%26#039;m afraid it will do more damage to your back.

why not try karate? i have friends who attend our sessions for theraphy and saw then regain their vitality after a heart attack or a problem with weak muscles due to premature birth. of course inform your intstructor that your purpose is for theraphy so that he%26#039;ll come up with a program fit for you.|||I liked what Nick S said, very true. I would do Yoga like the other poster and talk to your doctor, and I would go to a Chinese medicine practioner (acupressure, acupuncture, herbalist, etc.) to treat your pain.

There is no doubt that Judo is tough on the body, but over time I found that it strengthens the body and for a workout it is awesome.

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