Monday, November 16, 2009

How do I train for Judo Junior Nationals?

Okay so I%26#039;m going to the Junior Nationals in New Brunswick. I%26#039;m in okay shape but my sensi told me if everything is even between you and your opponent.... the fitter one will win. And nobody from our club has won a medal since 2005 and I wanna change that. So could someone give me some training ideas... and what to eat so i dont go over my devision in weight. I%26#039;m gonna try to not eat anything %26quot;unhealthy%26quot;.


Chantelle xoxo.|||Without knowing your current weight, height, fitness level, diet, and metabolism it would be really hard to give you accurate suggestions.

I can tell you that the route to fitness is to combine strength training with a cardiovascular workout. If you belong to a fitness center, try running a mile three times a week and lift weights in circuit training two to three times a week (not on the same days). Or take a Pilates class twice a week to strengthen, plus a cardio kickboxing class or a spinning class two to three times a week, again not on the same days. If your dojo is where you work out, ask your sensei to help develop a training regimen for you. Push ups, sit ups, mountain climbers all help build strength while running laps around the training floor and jumping jacks can get you started on toning.

As for diet, eliminate all beverages except for water, avoid baked sweets, ramp up protein and cut back on carbs until the week you are competing. Good luck!|||Go to, they have stack of routines and workouts for anything.|||ask your instructor

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