Saturday, November 14, 2009

How long would it take to get a brown belt in Judo?

Have the opportunity to take classes twice a week.|||if you got it in three months but get your tail handed to you nine times of 10 by white belts at any other school what have you really accomplished?

Just start training and you%26#039;ll get it when you get it. Your ability is going to matter far more than the belt. Don%26#039;t think about martial arts as earning belts, think of it like the training it is.

Your progression really depends on too many factors. Again, you%26#039;re looking to learn to fight or defend yourself or to stay active, these are skills and activities you should continue for your whole life, why worry about a relatively short term goal for getting a strip of clothe to wear around your waist?

Jump in and have fun, good luck!|||How are you going to have time with your BJJ class 8 times a week? Why just just take exclusively Judo? You%26#039;ll learn all the same stuff you would in BJJ plus nearly 100 throws plus all of their henka.

Again, it depends on your teacher and how quickly you pick it up. It could take anywhere from 2-30 years.

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