Sunday, April 26, 2009

What's the difference between jujitsu,judo and Brazilian jujitsu?

my name joe im 17 and i want to learn some mix martial arts before i go to the navy

and from what i seen bjj is my type of fighting stlye i want to take judo for throw and brazilian jujitsu for ground attack

is it neccsary to take juijitsu for stand and strike game or should i take mui thai and please tell me the



of the three

and the diffrnets if you can|||BRAZILLIAN JUJITSU

+ will make you very good on the ground

+ this will teach you a lot of joint locks etc.

- as you are joining the navy, i am not so sure you will need to be good on the ground..

- this will make you a fair bit stronger, but your fitness will barely improve at all with this one..


+ Judo, Brazilian JuJitsu, Muay Thai, and almost all other martial arts originate from JuJitsu, and so therefore you will learn groundwork and throwing as well with JuJitsu

+ JuJitsu will give you a healthy mix of strength and fitness

+ As this is not a competitive art, it is a lot more practical.. You will learn to defend from strikes, strangles, holds etc.

+ You will learn to be very good with striking.. Often the strikes learnt in JuJitsu are a lot more practical than that of Karate..

- JuJitsu is not a competition sport - so if you are interested in competing, this is not your martial art (although skill competitions are held for JuJitsu)

- As JuJitsu involves striking, ground fighting, throwing, joint locks etc. you will improve at each of these at a slower rate than you would if you only did a striking martial art, or only a ground fighting martial art (because you cannot spend all your time on a single one of these) - however being skilled at all of these is a huge benefit, as you will have all bases covered..


+ You would become absolutely brilliant at throwing - which is very useful..

+ Judo often incorporates Joint locks and holdings etc. so it is very good for that..

+ It teaches you to get people on the ground..

- Judo doesn%26#039;t involve any striking at all which can often be the most important part of a fight.. Many martial artists consider %26quot;distracters%26quot; (strikes etc.) to be the most crucial part of combat..

- Judo is fairly impractical and is usually only used in competitions..

If I were you I would do JuJitsu.. :)

It is by far the most practical and is good because it%26#039;s a mix of all of them.. :)|||Quite honestly not counting Bobby%26#039;s unbiased opinion(sarcasm there) BJJ is actually an offshoot of Judo. In reality Judo has just as effective ground techniques as BJJ, and much better take down and throwing techniques. At least it gives you options where with BJJ you are basicly commited to the ground.

BJJ is fantastic 1 on 1 in a fair fight, and in some instances would probably do ok 2 on 1 if your attackers were not fully commited, however it ceases to become the %26quot;best%26quot; style out there when you get into multiple attackers and sharp weapons, because the way it is used garuntees you getting into stabbing range.

(Not slamming BJJ people, just stating the reality that it has weaknesses like any other style)

However people like Bobby will put a couple of you tube clips up to support their theory. I am not slamming BJJ, however it seems to generate more %26quot;Our style is the best and only real one%26quot; answers then any other, mainly from people who think a street fight is the same as self defense.

In my opinion I would take Judo over BJJ simply for the fact that it%26#039;s ground techniques are just as effective if trained correctly, and it actually has much better take downs and throws.

If BJJ is the ultimate style why do we have MMA now?

Judo Links:|||Joe it takes alot to do! Bjj is good on ground defence. Judo is a mix of half and half. Judo doesn%26#039;t incourage the use of Leglocks.

Jujitsu is more of a locking and disarming close combat. They all have some techniques that are almost the same. You should look up Aiki-Jujitsu the original ancestor of all these styles and judge for yourself.|||Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the best one and could well be the best martial art there is

learn about BJJ from the following youtube videos;f...

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